The actors of the Procurement processes (S2C and P2P) can, such as their colleagues, from the Marketing and Sales Departments, enhance the data for:
- Improve the relevance of procurement strategies
- Increasing process efficiency
- Improve the dialogue of the Procurement function with the other functions of the company (Finance, Management Control, Operations, Legal, Quality, Internal Audit and Control, etc.).
While cross-referencing data from a variety of sources may come as a nice surprise, it is nevertheless necessary to identify early on the value that can be expected to be derived from a particular analysis. A good articulation between functional ("business") and technical expertise is therefore essential.
Our approach is usually declined in 6 steps:
- Analysis of "Business" issues, in particular "Purchasing".
- Inventory of data sources and reports
- Identification and prioritization of use cases
- Implementation of a PoC (Proof of Concept)
- Optimization and industrialization of the created solution
- Change management