
JUNI 2019

Using Reverse Auctions to Drive Procurement Profitability

Webinar, 19th June @ 12:00 PM ET

   Webinar, 19th June @ 12:00 PM ET  

Backed on its experience of more than 3000 eAuctions done over the past 15 years and, therefore, becoming one of the European top leaders in the organization and administration of eAuctions, CKS Auctions is launching a webinar session to discuss the benefits of using eAuctions as a procurement strategy.

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During this webinar several study cases based on real life events will be presented and a procurement professional will share his experience with CKS. Ivalua, the world leading procurement platform, will also present some of the elements that make their solution a must in the field of procurement.

Questions to be answered during the webinar

Who should attend?

Only purchasing and procurement professionals: junior and senior buyers, managers or directors.


Pierre-Édouard Labbé, CKS Auctions Manager

Manager of CKS Benelux & CKS Auctions, Pierre-Édouard has helped many procurement organizations around the world in using reserve auctions to drive profits. His experience has made him an international expert in the field of online auctions.

A procurement manager within the Automotive industry




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