The Client
A French public financial institution which carries out missions of public interest for State and local government authorities such as managing savings and pension funds and helping to finance SMEs.
In spite of the importance of the Purchasing Department who responds to the needs of all the institution's prescribers, Purchasing does not have a very good image. Its roles and missions are relatively unknown and unrecognized by prescribers, end- customers and suppliers. The major consequence of this is a rapid increase in non-compliant purchasing.
CKS was mandated to increase awareness and enhance how the Purchasing Department is perceived on the part of prescribing departments and end-customers. After auditing the department and gathering information, CKS proposed a 12-month communication plan to enhance the perception of the Purchasing Department.
- Highlight the mission and roles of the Purchasing Department for various populations: purchasers, prescribers, end-customers, suppliers…
- Reduce the volume of non-compliant purchasing.
- Increase collaboration among the institution's different departments
- Create durable communication channels
For the complete duration of the mission, CKS mobilized a team of three consultants including experts with in-depth knowledge of the Finance/Banking sector.
A member of the institution's Top Management acted as a « sponsor » of the program.The following actions were chosen:
- Create communication tools:
- A brochure for the Purchasing Department to draw up and explain the Purchasing process beginning from the need to make a purchase through supplier selection right up to performance evaluation.
- A Brochure for suppliers
- A revamped Intranet Site
- Round-tables and lunch-time events on topics such as paperless Purchasing, Responsible Purchasing …
- A significantly improved perception of non-compliant purchasing
- A project that was sponsored by Top Management
- A significant reduction of non-conforming purchasing